• What is a system bug?

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! You should stop putting all the not perfect behaviour of your system in the bug basket. Is essential to understand that not every defect in the system should be classified as...

  • What important truth do very few people agree with you on?

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! What important truth do very few people agree with you on? That is the favourite question of Peter Thiel when interviewing a candidate. He also says, “Brilliant thinking is rare, but...

  • Programming Microservices Communication With Istio

    Take a look at this article to get a look at how service mesh architecture has made Istio a stand-out tool in microservices infrastructures. Microservices are great but they are also a pain to maintain. With so many moving components, microservices make it difficult to maintain and identify the bottlenecks....

  • The truth about Technical debt?

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! Technical debt is widely used and discussed within engineering teams. However, in people mind, it looks like it accumulates because of some nasty, dirty practices. Technical debt piles up even when...

  • The most insightful computer vision project

    I am a tech-enthusiast, and I love exploring new technologies, so I was looking forward to learning some new ideas and innovations about computer vision and machine learning. Computer Vision is a field of study traditionally reserved for researchers or engineers with advanced degrees, and because that, in the beginning,...

  • Advanced Java for adults

    A big part of my time when mentoring developers is to try to shift their mindset, developers must think about a lot more than just coding. They should start thinking of the quality attributes, testing, design, and interaction with the deployment environment in which the software lives. Most training courses...