
I am passionate about software development and Agile methods. I love solving team and company problems from a tactical and strategic point of view.

I help teams and companies to achieve more. Improving code, processes, flows, architecture, communication and human resources

I am very focused on delivering value to customers as faster and cheaper as possible without giving up quality!

Beyond my day-to-day work, I am giving back to positively impact the community with articles, videos, lectures and posts on LinkedIn. Check it out!

Main Qualifications:

  • Project management (Agile, Lean, Kanban and Scrum)
  • Software developer with 10+ years in a wide variety of software, system architectures, applications, programming languages and databases. Well-versed in Backend, Frontend and DevOps
  • Excellent knowledge of Java, JavaScript, Golang and Python;
  • Writer and open source contributor;
  • Team leadership, Project management and Agile coach.


  • Spring (Boot, Cloud, Integration, Batch and Security);
  • Databases (MySQL, Oracle and SQL Server);
  • DevOps (Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, Linux, Networking, AWS, Gitlab and Jenkins);
  • Microservice (Service mesh, Circuit breaker, Service discovery, CQRS, Event sourcing, API Gateway, Distributed authentication and fault-tolerant);
  • Big data(Spark, Cassandra, HDFS and Lambda Architecture)
  • Enterprise Integration (GRPC, SOAP, REST, Socket, and Kafka);
  • Front-end (Angular 4, Bootstrap and jQuery);
  • Best coding practices (SOLID, Object Calisthenics and TDD);
  • Design patterns (MVC, Facade, Observer, Strategy, Adapter, Factory, Singleton, Proxy, CQRS…)
  • Computer vision ( OpenCV, CNN, GAN, Encoders)
  • Machine learning (scikit-learn and Pytourch
  • Agile(Lean, Kanban, XP and Scrum)
  • Others (Regular expressions, Hybrid mobile applications and Arduino).