Advanced Java for adults

A big part of my time when mentoring developers is to try to shift their mindset, developers must think about a lot more than just coding. They should start thinking of the quality attributes, testing, design, and interaction with the deployment environment in which the software lives.

Most training courses that exist focus on a single tool, a single approach but rarely focus on a broad view that also gives developers a better understanding of software development, particularly the Design and Architecture side.

Although I have authored articles, videos and opensource projects that help people improve design, architecture and project management, I would like to create something that could help any developer to learn everything to lead complex projects

I was planning to create a full course teaching advanced stuff and release when it is ready. However, it will take a long time, and with so many projects in mind I would end up getting distracted and never finishing it, and I would be losing a valuable opportunity to learn from it.

I like the idea of fail fast and learn faster, so I have decided to release the course with the first module for free. I will continue adding more lessons as time goes. Hopefully one day, I can have it all done, while it doesn’t happen, enjoy what is already out!

Advanced Java for adults will contain advanced and not conventional lessons. In this course, you will learn to think differently from those who have a limited view of software development. I will provoke you to reflect on decisions that you take in your day to day job, which might not be the best ones. This course is for middle to senior developers and we will not teach Java language features but how to lead complex Java projects.

Here I am, rechallenging myself again and doing things that are way out of my comfort zone. I am creating a course for senior developers in English (I am Portuguese speaker) and releasing it to the public before it is ready and definitely not perfect either but willing to share and learn from the day one

This project’s success will depend on my motivation, and seeing over 2k students already enrolled to it has been quite supportive, hope it makes sense for you to support it as well!

This course’s lectures are based on a Trading system, an opensource project hosted on my Github.