• Expert-Generalist in the Software Development Industry

    Jack of all trades, master of none. But what if you could build a bridge between the two extremes and be proficient in more trades than one? If you’re someone who loves learning different things, you’re probably familiar with this well-intentioned advice: “Focus on just one field. Jack of all...

  • Documentation is NOT a critical success factor in software development

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! Why do people mistakenly think that documentation is a critical success factor in software development? Documentation should be concise: overviews/roadmaps/high-level diagram/guidelines are generally preferred over detailed documentation. Never forget that developers...

  • Microservices vs modular monolithic

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! You heard about Microservices, and after searching about it, you realised the benefits of modularity principles? Now, if you search for modularity, you will learn that you don’t need to move...

  • Are you starting with microservices? Forget the DRY principle and embrace redundancy!

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! Are you starting with microservices? Forget the DRY programming principle and embrace redundancy! Extracting common code to a library seems to be the best practice. However, if two microservices share a...

  • Developers don't like meetings - That's not true

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! Some people say that developers don’t like meetings, well, that’s not really true. I appreciate being in the decision-maker meetings. When we say we don’t like meetings what we really mean...

  • The Cost of Delays

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! The only way not to wind up late, on a long enough timeline, is never actually to have deadlines. The agile movement has encouraged us to minimise, if not eliminate, deadlines....

  • Costs of losing an employee

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! Are you aware that as an employee, you are an “appreciating asset.”? Do you know that you are a high “cost” to the organization before becoming valuable? The longer you stay...

  • Is The 10x developer a myth?

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! “Someone who is exceptional in their role is not just a little better than someone who is pretty good. They are 100 times better” - Mark Zuckerberg argued when asked why...