• What is DX and why you should invest on it?

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! Developers are expensive, hard to find, and even harder to keep them. Knowing that, are you investing in the development experience of your team? Companies that offer a good developer experience...

  • The small fraction of your team will do most of the work

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! When a company grows, competence grows linearly, and incompetence grows exponentially. That is what Price’s Law suggests. Price’s Law (also known as Price’s Square Root Law) states that 50% of all...

  • Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! Building a new team? You can’t expect a new team to perform well when it first comes together. The Psychologist Bruce Tuckman has created a model that describes the path that...

  • Agile principles explained with images

    Agile principles explained with images by Arnab Rajkhowa

  • Team Principles

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! Technology and modern working policies empower staff with more choices of how, when and where they work. Measuring output rather than presenteeism is a shift in how we work. Team Principles...

  • Lambda Architecture - How to Build a Big Data Pipeline

    The Internet of Things is the current hype, but what kinds of challenges do we face with the consumption of big amounts of data? With a large number of smart devices generating a huge amount of data, it would be ideal to have a big data system holding the history...

  • Are you writing automated tests for your architecture?

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! Once upon a time, somebody experienced looked at the code and drew up some nice architecture diagrams, showing the components the system should consist of and how they should interact. However,...

  • Logging best practices

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! A quick guide to help produce better logs in your applications. Record events at the correct level DEBUG - Used for debugging. INFO - Informs expected system operation. WARN - A...