• Best Practices for Code Review — Quick Reference

    Code review is a popular and one of the most critical software development processes used to improve code quality, consistency, share knowledge, and much more. Mentoring Code review can have an important function of teaching developers something new about a language, a framework, or general software design principles. It’s always...

  • Java Best Practices Quick Reference

    Developers have a big responsibility to make the right decision every day and the best thing to help make good decisions is the experience. Not everyone has long experience in software development, but everyone can leverage others’ experience. These are some tips that I have acquired with my experience in...

  • It is all about trade-offs

    Why “right or wrong” and other binary decision making doesn’t exist when developing software? As a decision-maker, I wish I could just take binary decisions. Life would be way easier If I just needed to choose between the good or bad, the cheap or expensive, the simple or complex options,...

  • Good leaders create principles, not rules

    Follow me on Linkedin if you like provoking posts about software development. Let’s socialize! When we analyse why companies create rules, it is not because we have a problem with the top performers. It’s the bottom 30% of the crew who need rules. Top performers hate rules. What drives their...

  • You Are Bad at Hiring Good Engineers

    I have never asked a puzzle or a trick question to find some obscure algorithmic approach. It had always been instead asking to come up with design solutions and creative implementation for real-world problems. But when I got to the other side as a candidate, I have never been lucky...

  • How to build team alignment

    Follow me on Linkedin if you like provoking posts about software development. Let’s socialize! Contrary to popular belief, democratic voting is a terrible way to reach consensus by a team. In fact, achieving consensus by voting does not help teamwork or foster collaboration. Here are some reasons why: Because the...

  • Golang best practices

    This document is a compliment of 2 official sources, please refer to those as part of the Golang best practices journey: https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html Code principles Don’t write code that only works. Aim to write code that can be maintained — not only by yourself but by anyone else who may end up...

  • AGILE - Effectiveness manifesto — practical tips

    Modern and high-performing organizations employ agile concepts to develop better products faster than their competitors. They are constantly running experiments to discover innovative and efficient new ways to solve customer problems, and they build high-speed engineering capabilities to deliver value every day. In this post, I will be showing practical...