• Quality Assurance roles and responsibilities

    This page defines roles and responsibilities to ensure we deliver high-quality systems. QA engineer Wear the User Hat - bring to the team all the issues or pour experiences from the user’s perspective. Review the User-facing documentation Manually test all the Acceptance criteria Ensure the steps to test are described...

  • Decision records

    I am always posting provoking post on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! Decision making is a crucial part of software development, and keeping track of these decisions can often be challenging. A software decision record document can help streamline the process and ensure...

  • Q&A with Alexsandro Souza

    What kinds of software projects have you worked on before? Which operating systems, development environments, languages, databases? In my 13 years working with software developement, I have worked on variated projects and industries. I started my career as a web developer at a marketing agency developing big companies’ websites using...

  • Professional MacOS dev Setup 2022

    This document describes how I set up my developer environment on a new MacBook. The steps below were tested on macOS Monterey (12.03), but should work for more recent versions as well. Contributing: If you find any mistakes in the steps described below, or if any of the commands are...

  • AI pair programming is a blessing or a curse?

    Follow me on Linkedin if you like provoking posts about software development. Let’s socialize! Algorithms already write code, but human developers don’t need to fear being immediately replaced Based on research, programmers spend 35% of their time on understanding code, 5% on writing code, 10% on other coding-related activities, and...

  • Project management workflow

    I am always posting provoking posts on my Linkedin, and I have decided to replicate those here. Let’s socialize! In this post, I describe the workflow management I have been using with my teams. Establishing it as a workflow–makes it clearly structured and repeatable, which, in turn, makes it scalable....

  • Epics, User Stories and Tasks

    Follow me on Linkedin if you like provoking posts about software development. Let’s socialize! With another Sprint Planning, the problem returns: how can I help the team organise the work efficiently? Below you can find a quick guide to help create Epics, User Stories and Tasks Epic An epic captures...

  • Questions/answers about software testing

    Follow me on Linkedin if you like provoking posts about software development. Let’s socialize! Here are some essential questions/answers when defining your system testing approach. This post is a follow up to my article We are testing wrongly. Why do we write automated tests? The main reason to write automated...