This is a video chat app using WebRTC and WebSockets. It is built using Node.js, Express, and
We implemented a signaling server using to exchange the WebRTC signaling messages (offer, answer, and candidate) between the peers. The signaling server is also responsible for broadcasting the list of active users to all connected users.
The WebRTC peer-to-peer communication requires an ICE server to establish a connection between the peers. In this app, we used the Google STUN server.
You can try the UI here
First install the required packages:
```code-block:: console
$ pip install aiohttp aiortc opencv-python aiohttp_cors ```
When you start the example, it will create an HTTP server which you can connect to from your browser:
code-block:: console
$ cd python
$ python
We provide a Node js version of the signaling server. To run the Node js version, follow the steps below:
npm install
npm start
docker build -t video-chat-app .
docker run -p 8881:8881 video-chat-app